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Browsing Tag: salmon

Miso Curried Cod with Spinach

Are you ready for a flavor-bomb of a meal?  This recipe comes from the NYT and is simply amazing. I adapted it based on comments and personal preferences and I think you will really enjoy the results.  This dish works well with salmon or any firm-fleshed fish and it also works well with rice or rice noodles. I have even substituted bok choy (as some of the commenters mentioned) for the spinach. Easy to prepare and amazingly flavorful, this dish is great for a weeknight meal. Give your taste buds a warning though as this dish will give them a wonderful jolt! Save Print Miso Curried Mahi Mahi with Spinach Prep time:  10 mins Cook time:  25 mins Total time:  35 mins Serves…

Smoky Maple Sous Vide Salmon

Tonight’s dish was created to support the side dish I wanted to make. Sounds backward, right?  Well, it is but let me explain. Recently I had a friend extol the spice blend known as Berbere. This spice blend is a key ingredient in Ethiopian cuisine and I was thoroughly intrigued. Recently, I bought some to taste and use in new recipes. Berbere is spicy and robust… and wonderful! Now my mind was in overdrive as I contemplated ways to use this unique combination of flavors. I settled on tonight’s side dish – Sauteed Broccoli with Berbere – and knew that I would need a robust main dish to pair with it. So as you can see… the side dish drove the main…

Saturday Night Smoked Salmon Farfalle with Broccoli

Tonight’s dinner is a dish I tweaked for my daughters. In 2000, we visited a Seattle Italian restaurant  and my oldest daughter ordered this dish. Unfortunately, the dish just did not make the grade – it was overpowered by smoked salmon.  But I loved the concept, so I created my own recipe. After a few trials, I thought I had a solid winner and surprised my daughters with it during one of their visits. Of course, as you can imagine, they were not amused… but I asked them to trust me. They did and a favorite was born!  This recipe became one of their most requested meals. I have made this recipe for myself, for friends, and for guests ever since. And now I want…